This is a base recipe for a spelt poolish with a DY 200. Use this for any spelt mix or pure spelt sourdough bread.
You will need 20% of your total dough weight prepare as poolish – in other words, for a 1000 gr loaf you should use 200 gr. of this poolish. This recipe is calculate for 100 gr. – so you can adjust it up or down depending on your recipe.
Spelt Poolish DY200
- Times
- Description
- Image
- Ingredients
- Method
- Notes
- Nutrition
This is a base recipe for a spelt poolish with a DY 200. Use this for any spelt mix or pure spelt sourdough bread.
You will need 20% of your total dough weight prepare as poolish - in other words, for a 1000 gr loaf you should use 200 gr. of this poolish. This recipe is calculate for 100 gr. - so you can adjust it up or down depending on your recipe.
Preparation time at baking day: approx. 1/2 hours
Total Preparation Time required: approx. 12-16 hours
Poolish - Spelt
Preparing Poolish