About Us

Some years ago we wondered why most of the bread we could buy taste the same, felt stale within a day and grew moldy the same week we bought it. At the same time we also heard about the story of a 24 year old burger and fries from a well known fast food chain that didn’t go off. One wonders what was causing this …

We sincerely tried to find naturally produced bread everywhere we lived. Sometimes we were successful and found a place where handmade bread was the norm – not the exception. This gave us to think and we wondered if we could make bread our self and at the same time the natural way.

We started to read books and also attended a number of courses. Some of these courses were not worth the money spent and we often found that the people who claimed to be knowledgeable about naturally produced bread had really no idea.

It all changed when we heard about the Academy of German Bakery Crafts in Weinheim, Germany. It is a well known Institution that is training German Master Bakers and where you can also take short courses in how to make bread the natural and professional way. We decided to attend a number of seminars where we learned not only creating and looking after traditional sourdough. We also were taught the way of making the traditional German sourdough breads.

Having both enjoyed receiving valuable training and expanding our knowledge of creating delicious sourdough breads, we continued to learn even more and looked into how German Stollen, sourdough based Brioche and Pannetone is made.

Because Wolf worked many years ago for a time as a chef in a hotel in Australia, he now has found a way to combine is cooking experience with the knowledge learned around baking.

Nina – a cooking natural, is now passionate about French bread, German Sourdough Bread, Brioche and all sweet creations. Sharpening her skills at renowned Culinary Schools such as Lenôtre and Le Cordon Bleu, she completing there her training with a Boulangerie Diploma.

We continue our journey and are looking forward in sharing our knowledge with you. Enjoy what you can find on our website and pass on what you have learned.